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From the very beginning, I was taught the importance of responsibility and hard work while I lived on my father’s farm. As I branched outside of farming, the significance of those qualities grew even more apparent to me. Exploring the trades of landscaping and construction, I discovered the joys and artwork of woodworking. My journey as the owner of Forest Ridge Woodworking began in the year of 2007. The company, nestled in Nickel Mines, Bart Township, was originally owned by an older gentleman looking to retire that April. I purchased the business from him when I spotted the potential of his existing products and wonderfully loyal customers. Over the years, my family and I sought the feedback of new and existing customers. With their great ideas and applying original ideas of our own, we began to design new products. By replacing the outdated pieces, we now have grown a collection of superior products that we are able to sell to retailers at a great price. Our goal has always been to provide our furniture retailers with absolute quality in our products and services. We will continue hold this statement true for every one of our customers. Thank you for choosing us, John David Zook and family


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