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Penwood is nestled in the heart of the Holmes County Ohio Amish woodworking industry. Since the founding of Penwood by Paul E. Nisley in 1999, his passion has been to have his team create Custom Cabinetry and Heirloom Quality Furniture worthy of attaching the Penwood logo bearing his initials. Each made-to-order piece of cabinetry or furniture goes through multiple inspections before being hand finished in effort to ensure it’s completed to Penwood standards of excellence! Share your ideas with us, and together, we’ll create the project of your dreams!
Our Studio Essentials Murphy WallBeds are a compact, high-quality solution to add sleeping space to your home office, guestroom, kids’ bedrooms, living areas and more while providing the comfort of a premium bed in any size from twin to king. Our Murphy WallBeds can be customized with a desk, wardrobe, filing cabinets, entertainment centers and side pier cabinets with various functions to fill an entire wall! Our Murphy Beds are constructed of solid hardwood and manufactured hardwood sourced from local mills whenever possible. Studio Essentials Murphy WallBeds are never constructed with flimsy particle board which is subject to cracking, peeling and discoloration as well as mechanism malfunction.


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