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The choice of decor in our homes reflects to some measure who we are, and fine furniture plays a signifcant role in expressing our inner longings. The splendor of hardwood strikes an echoing chord in all of us. Wood grain is genuine, and its natural beauty never loses its appeal. At our workbench our dining collections are crafted in differing designs, one of which will be sure to satisfy your specific style. A range of hardwoods, each with its native hue and characteristics, complented by a spectrum of Stain colors creates a wide selection of expressive furniture. As an authentic finishing touch, our master craftsmen inscribe their personal signature on each piece they build. Genuine Oak Designs is located in the heart of Wayne County, Ohio. Our humble beginnings trace back to a line of dining collections built with a genuine love for wood craft and the beauty of hardwood. That was in 1998. Today we give God the honor and glory for the success we have enjoyed. A willingness to work hard and to upgrade as we go has made furniture making a pleasurable and rewarding experience for us. Up-to-the-minute trends and hands-on workmanship define who we are and what we do. Here at Genuine Oak Designs, we create expressive hardwood dining collections, office, curio and specialty cabinets, rockers and benches. A genuine regard for built-in integrity, ingenuity and unique attention to detail is plain to see in every piece of our furniture. We offer professional customer service and gracious courtesy along with hassle free ordering and shipping. It is all part of the Genuine Experience.


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